"Blue" - Filmed by Moosafir

"Sunrise" - Filmed by Moosafir

Animations by Anastasia Agavriloaie

Animation by Ioana Morar

Drawings by Emanuel Barica

"Today I would like to share something very peculiar and mysterious with you.
While I paint - especially plants or free elements - my mind creates something akin to a scene between them and they often fight for the spotlight... then comes a small, gentle but very important element that creates the compositional balance needed. It's like a movie is playing in my head, each line being said as another plant, leaf or blade of grass makes its appearance... I don't know how I would be able to find the words for such a scene. 
There's this story that is being said, one that I don't even know the end of, until the brush comes to a halt and says ”enough”... then it goes quiet.​​​​​​​"

Illustration by Eliza Pușcașu

"This sketch started with a very airy pattern, but characters kept appearing, each claiming more attention. 
But these sketches, stories and works are my favourites. I love working on them, seeing where my inspiration takes me and letting the brush take the lead, making the colours dance all around the canvas..."


"My quarantine" - Illustrations by Daniela Gheorghiță

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