Hello there! I'm Cristiana Rus

I was born in Alba Iulia, Romania, on the 28th of May 1998. At the age of two I moved with my family in Italy, and I lived there until the age of 19. From the age of 6 to 10 I studied piano with teacher Simone Pagani, and from the age of 8 to 16 I took private clarinet lessons with teacher Giuseppe Toscano. In 2014 I started studying clarinet at Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, under the guidance of professor Alberto Serrapiglio.
Over the years I had numerous concerts with various bands and ensembles such as “New Pop Orchestra”, brassband “Telgate 90” and the clarinet ensemble “Madrigalisti Moderni”.
After graduating the scientific high school “Filippo Lussana” in 2019, I returned to my country, where I am currently studying musical composition at the National Academy of Music Gheorghe Dima, Cluj-Napoca.
From 2017 I began collaborating with Zamolxis Entertainment Studios, as a videogame music designer. During 2018 – 2019 I collaborated with Smart Baby Songs, a youtube channel in the USA, where I composed and produced instrumentals and backing tracks of children songs and entertainment music.
In June 2018 I worked as a Music Designer for a short film created by Anastasia Agavriloaie (master in graphic design) – under the attendance of László Bence professor (Graphic Design University UAD, Cluj), exhibited in the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca.
On the 13th of June 2019 one of my works for mezzosoprano and piano, called "Abendlied", was interpreted in premiere during the concert ”Prima Verba”. The piece was inspired by the lied series of Schubert, created in Romantic style.
Since 2020 I began collaborating and writing music for various visual artists. (Music for Visual Arts)

°Other activities


You can see some of my recent work here:
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